Tag Archives: PB2

Peanut Butter and Jelly Protein Oats

7 Apr

We’ve finally been experiencing weather here in NY that doesn’t warrant having oats for breakfast, but since I came back from my spring break and had NOTHING in the house, this was what I’ve had for two mornings in a row. I felt the need to share because of my love for all peanut butter and jelly flavored items.

Just wanted to give a quick shout out to Syracuse basketball. Heartbreaking loss last night. I don’t usually get upset about sports, usually I could care less and I make fun of Austin for getting emotionally involved in sports. But this one stung this morning. We had a good run though!

Back to the food. I haven’t had oats for breakfast in awhile as a result of cutting a lot of grains out of my diet. But like I said, this was all we had so I went with it.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Protein Oats

PB J Oats

1/2 cup quick cooking oats

1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use designer whey)

2 tbsp PB 2 (or peanut butter) + 1 tbsp water to make creamy

1 tbsp your choice flavored jam

1 cup of water

peanuts for topping

**Add 1-2 packets of stevia or sweetener of choice if needed

1. Microwave the water and oats for 90 seconds.

2. Stir in protein powder and microwave for another minute. *Stir in sweetener here if adding.

3. Stir everything up and add your PB2, jelly, and peanuts.

4. Yum!!!


Peanut Butter and Jelly Protein Oats

Nice little Sunday morning. You’d think it was still winter. Oh wait….I wouldn’t hold my breath that we won’t see snow again.

How’s the weather where you are? Still winter or spring?

Sunshine Award & PB & J Protein Dessert

31 Jan

I was so excited when Leslee at Her Happy Balance nominated me for a Sunshine Award! I’ve never done one of these survey things because I didn’t think anyone actually cared that much about my personal life but……it’s definitely fun to do one once in awhile. Anyone remember those email surveys from middle school? I used to be ALL about them!


If nominated for this award, you must include a link in your blog to the person/blog that nominated you. You must also answer some questions about yourself, nominate fellow bloggers, link their blogs in your post, and inform them that they have been nominated.


  • Who is your favorite philosopher? Ummmmm….this one?

Philosoraptor - If cookies are cookies and bacon is bacon why do we bake cookies and cook bacon


  • What is your favorite number? I don’t really have a favorite number, but right now my favorite number is 08-02-13..my wedding day!

  • What is your favorite animal? Easy.



  • What are your Facebook and Twitter? I don’t have a Facebook for my blog yet….it’s a current goal of mine. I think I am putting it off because I’m too embarrassed to see how many people actually won’t follow it. No confidence. Follow me on Twitter! 
  • What is your favorite time of day? I really like mornings. I don’t know when I established myself as a morning person but I think it’s partly because of breakfast….and coffee.
  • What is your favorite holiday? Christmas is always cool……presents and crap. But my absolute favorite holiday has to be the 4th of July. Summer. Sun. Friends. Family. Food. It doesn’t get any better.

    IMG_0797[1]Austin and I 4th of July 2012

  • What is your favorite physical activity?  Going to the gym mainly. I also go biking. We’ll see how that goes this year with my back and all. I’m mad because my Dad got me all this cool biking stuff for Christmas and I’m just hoping I get to use it by summer and my back will be all better!

  • What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? COFFEEEEEEE. And water. I know I’m boring, but my philosophy is this: if it’s not alcoholic and it has calories, why even bother? Laughing out loud
  • What is your favorite flower? Any flowers would be nice. You know that great feeling when you get flowers just because? >Hint Hint<


    • What is your passion? Recently, with the help of the blog community I’ve become extremely passionate about food and healthy living! I love everything about the blog community and how it inspires and supports this lifestyle!


    Eating Chalk

    Running on Peanut Butter

    Lessons Life Teaches Me

    Fit Cupcaker

    Cookie Dough Katzen


    I also wanted to share what I have been eating for my late night snack every.single.night. this week. Yeah, it’s becoming a problem. A problem because I am going to use the last of the cottage cheese as I make this dessert AS SOON as I am done with this blog post.

    It’s a spin off a dessert I posted about a couple of weeks ago, Almond Joy Protein Pudding. 

    PB & J Protein Dessert

    1/2 cup of fat free or low fat cottage cheese

    2 tbsp PB2

    1/2 packet of stevia

    1/8 tsp of vanilla extract

    Toppings of choice: I top mine with berries, peanuts, or sugar free jam to make a PB & J flavor!


    Just blend everything up in a food processor and spoon the yummy-ness into a bowl with a spatula. So addicting and a good dose of protein before bed!  It is 125 calories without the toppings and it fills me up. I promise I’ll stop with the PB2….I know I’m obsessed with it. It’s just so delicious and versatile!

    What snacks/foods do you get addicted to and cannot stop eating? Tell me I’m not alone!

    Weekday Protein Pancakes: Two Ways

    25 Jan

    Pancakes on a weekday!?!? Way too good to be true. I usually don’t get up any where near early enough to make pancakes, but this week we were hit with some winter weather that had me getting up earlier than normal.

    I don’t know why my brain works this way, but I figured since I was already getting up early because my normal 40 minute commute turned into an hour commute, I might as well get up even EARLIER so I could make pancakes.

    I didn’t want super sweet indulgent pancakes. I have been struggling with feeling full and snacking so I wanted something with protein that would hold me over. Cereal has been making an appearance in my breakfast and I never feel full and satisfied and want to just KEEP EATING it because it’s so good.

    After perusing a lot of the protein pancake recipes on the web and not really finding anything that fit the bill, I decided to wing it. The result: delicious, satisfying and surprisingly low cal.

    They were so good on Wednesday that I made a variation of them on Thursday.

    Protein Pancakes: Two ways

    Makes 1 serving: 200 calories (not including toppings)

    1/4 cup cottage cheese

    1/4 cup oats

    2 egg whites

    1/2 scoop designer whey vanilla protein powder

    1/2 tsp cinnamon

    Blend all ingredients in a blender and cook on a pancake griddle at approx. 350 degrees for 3-4 minutes on each side.



    Almost took a bite without taking a pic!

    Texture: thin, dense and filling (not your traditional fluffy and light pancakes but delicious and filling).

    Variation- Peanut Butter Chocolate Pancakes

    choc cakes

    Add 1 tsp cocoa powder (omit cinnamon)

    Replace vanilla protein powder with chocolate

    Add a few chocolate chips (add after blending)

    Top with peanut butter or PB2!


    Equally as mouthwatering! Can’t wait to make more tomorrow!

    PB2: A Review

    22 Jan

    A lot of people have been asking me about PB2. And I, shocked that they haven’t heard about it, have been dispelling this information. I thought I’d give an actual formal review of the product and my experiences with it.

    What is it?


    PB2 is like a peanut flour. It is peanut butter in powder form with out all the added fat and oil. There is 85% less fat and calories than regular peanut butter. You can read more about it at the company, Bell Plantation’s, website. The best part about it is it’s all natural! It’s perfect if you are addicted to peanut butter taste but don’t want all the extra calories. Here’s what the stats look like:

    Serving Size: 2 tablespoons

    Calories: 45

    Fat: 1.5 g

    Sugars: 1 g

    Protein: 5 g

    The caloric difference is amazing! Two tablespoons of regular peanut butter is nearly 200 calories!! They even have a chocolate flavor, which I haven’t tried. I probably should.

    What do you do with it?

    The PB2 website has tons of recipes to try. Personally, I think it works best in smoothies.


    It is also good in these coconut peanut butter pancakes.

    cocnutIt also works well in oatmeal, but I have found you have to add AT LEAST two tablespoons to get a good flavor, or mix it with water first. Cookie recipes are another good way to use PB2, however, it is pricey! So I don’t usually want to part with a cup or more at a time!

    I also like to mix it with a 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese for a late night snack!


    PB2 ‘peanut butter and jelly cheesecake dessert’

    The PB2 can basically be used as a substitute for peanut butter, but I will warn you it takes some getting used to when eaten on toast, bread and other traditional ‘peanut butter’ things. The taste is almost the same as real peanut butter, maybe a little sweeter. The texture is thinner and less rich. I, however, don’t mind because it saves me the calories. Some people do mind and I’ll admit there are some times when nothing but real peanut butter will do!

    Where can you get it?

    The Bell Plantation website is a great place to order PB2 in bulk- believe me, you’ll need it! I’ve never seen it at traditional grocery stories. I usually buy it from either the organic grocery store in my hometown, or on Vitacost.


    If you use PB2 already, what are some of your favorite uses???

    New Year New Food

    28 Dec

    I’ve never been one to spend the money on organic food (I tend to be coupon/sale obsessed)   , but I have been paying more attention to which products are worth buying organic (some fruits, vegetables and greens) and which don’t matter (shampoo). Natur-Tyme is a great organic food store that popped up in my hometown a short time ago. When I went the first time I was in awe……..all of the awesome alternative cooking and baking supplies I have been seeing on blogs was right there in person!

    I was the lucky recipient of a gift certificate to Natur-Tyme for Christmas!!!! Ahhh I went today and I went crazy! I can’t wait to try out some new recipes with the goods I got. Another great gift from Austin’s aunt was this book by Dr. Andrew Weil called True Food. I love it! It has tons of recipes that stress whole, immunity boosting and inflammation reducing foods. ‘



    Can’t wait to try some recipes, but some of them have some complicated ingredients- which I was able to find at Natur-Tyme! Score!

    Here is a picture of my loot:


    Sorry, I’m blogging from my sister’s computer and didn’t have the time to doctor up the picture. I got: three tubs of PB 2, expeller pressed canola oil, almond flour, almond milk, almond extract, quinoa, yeast flakes, steel cut oats and chia seeds. Can’t wait to try overnight oats with chia seeds!!!! The steel cut oats were a disturbingly good deal- that entire thing on the right was only $2.00. They are usually more than $4 at the store for Quaker steel oats.


    Obviously had to stock up on PB 2. Three tubs should last me awhile! I put this in smoothies, oatmeal, and desserts. I’m excited about the almond extract also. I plan on putting it in oatmeal, smoothies, pancakes….and even waffles since I now got my new waffles maker! (Forgot to mention that on my previous post) I promise there will be some good recipes with my new goodies!

    Any suggestions for what I can make with any of these ingredients!?!?

    The Domestic Man

    Gluten-free recipes, inspired by traditional & international cuisines.

    Thought Catalog

    Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

    Otherwise Simple

    Living, Laughing and Staying Healthy...simplified

    Laur Runs

    Marketing Consultant by day || Lover of food, fashion, fitness, & living life to the fullest || Running around, attempting to balance it all 🤷🏻‍♀️

    The Cave Woman Cafe

    Going forwards by eating backwards

    Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind

    Culinary Adventures in Paleo Cooking


    Recipes and rants in R-rated language

    Reading Tea Leaves

    Blogging about Tea, Teaching, and Rejuvination

    The Cookie ChRUNicles

    Running through life while balancing healthy eating and single motherhood

    The PhD Experiment

    Because at this point, my life is one big dissertation project

    Read, Run, Repeat

    A tale of fitness, books, food, and life in between

    Sunnyside Counseling

    The Change You Seek, For Yourself or Your Child

    The Prime Pursuit

    always in the prime of your life


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