Tag Archives: squash

Squash & Parsnip Curry

6 Jun

I discovered curry powder about two months ago, and have been obsessed with it ever since. The greatest part is I probably haven’t even tapped the surface of its potential. I know there are probably so many other types of curry powder and curry paste and flavors to experience, far beyond the cheapest brand Wal -Mart had to offer when I bought it. But even that made several delicious dinners!

Ever since then I have been throwing together various meat and vegetables together with some coconut milk and calling it a ‘curry’. But every single time it is SO delicious. I can’t wait to experience other varieties of the spice.

This particular recipe produced a meal that isn’t necessarily pretty- but yummy just the same. It was also my first time making curry with beef instead of chicken.

Squash & Parsnip Beef Curry


Cook & Prep Time: 40 minutes Serves: 4

1 lb of parsnips, peeled and diced

1 large yellow squash, diced

1 lb of ground beef

1 red onion

2 cloves of garlic

1 can of coconut milk (I used light, regular would prob be creamier)

1/2-1 tbsp curry powder (depending on how much you like the flavor)

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (I like it hot!!!)

1/2 TBSP cumin

Salt & Pepper

1.Peel and dice the parsnips and squash while you cook up your ground beef until browned in a deep sauté pan.


I love parsnips! If you haven’t tried them, get on that stat.

Diced Squash

2. Drain fat from sauté pan and set meat aside. Add olive olive of FOC to the pan and add you garlic.

ground beef

3. When fragrant, add your onions, then your parsnips and squash. Stir around and cook for about 6-8 minutes.

4. Add your can of coconut milk and mix it all up. Then add spices.


5. Bring the mixture to a boil then turn it down to simmer and cook until parsnips and squash are soft (about 15 minutes). Add beef back in and cook for 5 more minutes.

Parsnips are a great addition to any curry dish. I have used them in almost all of the curries I’ve made and their tangy flavor (think super strong carrot taste) really compliments the curry powder.

I never said my food was pretty! But it tastes pretty good!

Please leave me with your favorite curry powder/paste!!! I’m in need of more and would love suggestions!

Acorn Squash Hamburger ‘Rolls’

22 May

I love squash!!


All kinds…there are so many types and it’s so versatile. This is an understatement and I’m so glad summer is here so I can enjoy zucchini and summer squash at a low price again!!! On sale the other day I picked up two acorn squash. I had never had it before so I was anxious to try. Originally I was going to roast it and stuff it, but a couple of nights we were having burgers and I thought it would make a great substitute for a hamburger roll since I don’t usually eat bread.

These were based off a recipe I saw in Practical Paleo. <<<awesome book!

Acorn Squash Hamburger Rolls
Serves 2/ Cook/prep time: 30 mins

sweet potato burgers

1 acorn squash
1 egg
1 tbsp coconut flour
1tsp cinnamon ( or more depending on taste)
A dash of salt
Coconut and olive oil

1. Cut your squash in half and scoop out the seeds.
2. Drizzle some olive oil over the squash and salt and pepper it.
3. Put the squash face down on a sprayed baking sheet and bake at 350 for 25 minutes ( depending on the size of your squash- cook until you can pierce the skin with a fork).
4. After squash has cooled (or before, because you’re starving and don’t want to wait and end up burning your fingertips like me), scoop out flesh into a large bowl and add egg, coconut flour, cinnamon and a dash of salt.
5. Heat up some coconut oil or fat of choice on a skillet or griddle and place it on medium heat.
6. Scoop out the squash mixture into a patty about 3″ in diameter. Pan fry them in oil until you can see one side is cooking through. Then flip them and cook in the other side. They take about 4 min per side.
7. Eat with a burger, avocado, toppings in the middle!


These are also delicious on their own…….acorn squash has a sweet taste that complemented my delicious grass fed burger! I love the cinnamon taste..if you’re a savory person you can always sub garlic and onion powder instead.

What substitutes for bread do you eat? If any…my favs are squash and cauliflower!

5 ‘weird’ healthy foods you should eat

17 Mar

Through my experiences with healthy eating, and most recently trying to switch to a Paleo/Whole 30 diet, I have been trying and enjoying some really delicious fruits and veggies I had previously ignored. I definitely go through phases…once I find something I love I buy it incessantly…until I find a new obsession!

Most people don’t look twice if they see things like Twinkie, unnatural orange colored ‘cheese’ poofs, or boxed mashed potatoes on your plate. These things are completely processed, man made and contain little nutrients. Start showing up to lunch hour with a variety of fresh veggies, however, and you will elicit curios stares. People may even ask “What IS that stuff”??”

It’s unnerving to be singled  out for just trying to eat healthy and eating whole, nutritious, real food. And it’s weird that people think it’s weird. The more you eat processed, sugared-up junk the more your body gets used to it and makes you turn your nose up at less common fruits and veggies. But I realized as you start eating more and more whole natural foods your body learns to appreciate the natural flavors this food has to offer. Here are five you should add to your diet or at least give a try:


1. Rutabaga:


Shredded rutabaga

I already blogged about my coconut rutabaga pancakes, but this potato-like veggie can be used for so much more! It has a subtle, crispy, carrot-like taste. As a root vegetable, you could use this for anything you would use a potato for: mashed or pureed, shredded as hash browns, or roasted with some herbs in the oven. It’s high in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and only has 50 calories per cup!!!

2. Plantains

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I have recently fallen in love with this starchy fruit! It can be best described as a cross between a banana and potato. When green, plantains can be used as more of a potato substitute- boiled and mashed, roasted in the oven, or used as the ‘pasta’ element in a lasagna. Riper, brown or yellow plantains work well used more like a banana- caramelized in sugar and drizzled with chocolate.

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I fried mine in coconut oil and dark chocolate balsamic vinegar for breakfast!

3. Kale


I’ve seen more and more kale popping up on blogs…so I know it’s becoming popular. It’s a leafy, bitter green that tastes amazing sautéed with garlic and onion. It’s very low in calories and also very high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. It goes great with runny eggs as a breakfast or as a side for dinner! It can also be eaten raw, or made into a pesto. Try to buy organic whenever possible.

4. Parsnips

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A cousin to the carrot, parsnips are another way to spice up your nightly veggies. Another root vegetable, they can be roasted in the oven with carrots, or pureed and used as a potato substitute. They’re high in fiber, potassium and magnesium.

5. Squash

display of squash


There are so many varieties of squash…..you’ll never get bored! Use spaghetti squash as a pasta substitute, butternut squash in place of potatoes or pasta, and zucchini, acorn or summer squash as a side dish to dinner. The possibilities are endless!

Butternut squash is my favorite because it’s so versatile. Favorites I’ve made are butternut squash fries, cinnamon and nutmeg crockpot mashed butternut squash, and butternut squash lasagna!


So put down the Twinkies and pick up one of these options next time you’re at the grocery store. The worst that can happen is you won’t like it! But I bet you’ll find at least one that makes a regular appearance on your plate.

Nutritional Info: Caloriecount.com

What weird healthy foods do you eat that prompt awkward stares from people around the lunch table?

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