Tag Archives: happiness

Wedding: Ceremony and Bridal Party

14 Sep

Basically right now I’m doing everything in my power to avoid writing my thank you notes. So I decided to meander over to the computer and blog more about the wedding.

We left off after the first look- again highly recommended for anyone who’s getting married soon!

Our ceremony was right by the shore of Lake Ontario. It had started down pouring earlier in the day but cleared up and ended up being a beautiful afternoon. Everyone was in awe of how gorgeous it was. It was perfect.






My BFF from high school!






Our flower girl and ring bearer:



I was so nervous!!!!








My parents


We did some family pictures after the ceremony that took like 10 minutes. I was SO over doing pictures after that. I hardly even wanted to do sunset pictures! I don’t know how people do hours of it. Looking back on it I briefly wished I had more, but in retrospect the day was spent enjoying myself and not worrying about pictures. Plus when I went to print them I realized I had more than enough.




Looking at these is so fun!!! Next up: Reception and details

Bridal Shower #1

12 May

I just got back from a quick and exciting weekend which included my bridal shower #1. I wasn’t planning on having more than one but my mother in law wanted to throw me one in Austin’s hometown for his family. His aunt was nice enough to take the beautiful pictures and put them all on a disk for me!! I was so excited that I had to sit down to blog about it it ASAP!

First of all my I loved the decorations and the mint green color of all the goodies. There were lemon cupcakes and key lime sugar cookies with frosting which were my favorite. 

Lemon Cupcakes





In additionn to all the yummy treats I got some great gifts!


IMG_4097IMG_4141  Coffee Grinder….yay!!!



Tons of great kitchen and bake ware like cup cake/muffin tins, mixing bowls, a casserole dish, a small cutting board….much more! I am so thankful!


I was excited about this one- the tent that was on our registry. I will be using that in two weeks during Memorial Day weekend!

It was such a fun day and I am already sad it’s over. That’s okay though because I have another one at my mom’s in a couple of weeks! Lucky me!!! Thanks for everyone who came!


My sisters and I



Me and my cousin (MOH)



bridesmaids –2 girls!


Me and my future MIL!

{Finding} a Balance

7 May

I don’t usually get to personal here but since I started my blog focusing on health and fitness I feel obligated to talk about this issue I’ve been having. I talked a little bit about my back injury and how I’ve had little success correcting it. It’s affecting me physically but also mentally.

Last year I got in the best shape of my life by attending work out classes 4 times a week. I never worried about what I ate on the weekends because it was my cheat day. I busted my ass the four days at workout so it never stressed me out. When I started having problems with my back, I started having anxiety about not working out and gaining back weight I had lost,losing all my hard work that I did last year. Since December I haven’t been able to work out like I’ve wanted to. And I definitely can’t do any running. I’ve been attempting to ride my bike but it’s painful.

Last year I based my happiness around working out and feeling good about myself and eating healthy. Now it’s like all that has been taken away from me and I have no way to let out stress and feel good about myself. I am constantly critical of what I eat now that I feel like I can’t control it with workouts. I’ve been trying different styles of eating like Paleo and Whole 30 and even though I eat mostly good stuff I beat myself up when I cheat. Sometimes I’ll push myself too far with trying to be active, and it hurts my back even more. It’s a vicious cycle that is making me extremely unhappy.

Photo 1

Me before all this happened.

I really need to snap out of it and find ways to make myself happy and not think about food or exercise.  I just need a different mindset to look at life everyday, in terms of not what I can’t do, but what I can do. I need to find other things to keep my occupied in the evening besides workout and cooking dinner, because it’s becoming depressing to constantly think about food and exercise that I can’t do. I decided to plan something non-food related and non-traditional exercise related to do every night of this week. Something to look forward to besides my usual “gym and dinner” routine. It’s hard. This was what made me happy for the past six months. But I’m really trying to look past it and change. The more I stress out about this, the more I won’t be able to maintain my weight because it’s too much stress. I figure as long as I’m happy and still relatively active I have nothing to worry about.

Photo 2

Need to be happier- like this!!


Monday- I went to the park and wrote before swimming.

Tuesday- Do a wedding craft with Austin, and this- blogging

Wednesday- Swimming and finishing the book I’m reading

Thursday- Pilates and a walk if I feel up to it

Friday- Going home!

Sat- Bridal Shower


Most of the things are still fitness related because I feel like I need to get SOME movement. I have a really hard time not working out on a weekday. I feel incredible guilt but I know it’s stupid. That’s why I should prob cut down on reading so many blogs of girls who run and do cross fit, but I enjoy reading blogs! I try not to compare myself because everyone’s different.

Wow this was pretty personal but it feels good to write about it. The more I write about strategies to make myself happy the better I feel.

Tell me I’m not alone in this…do any of you feel guilt after not working out for a day?

How to change your mindset and become happier

8 Apr

Book Review: Psycho-Cybernetics




The title sounds weird- but this book was borderline life changing. It was also published in 1960, so there’s no new information here. The book is written by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a former plastic surgeon, and covers revelations and brain based researched strategies about mindset, achieving goals and de-stressing your life.

I tend to be (I like to say “used to be!”) a worry-wart and a negative nancy so this book had some great advice. If you find  yourself miserable, stressed out and not happy with your current state of life you should definitely get this book.

I could go on and on forever about the revelations in this book, but I wanted to share the main ideas I got from it.

1. It doesn’t matter what actually happens.

The first part of the book explains Dr. Maltz’s plastic surgery background and how he noticed that after he changed people’s faces, their self perception changed, therefore they started acting differently and becoming happier. He started to wonder if he could change people’s self perception without even doing actual surgery.

It’s kind of interesting if you think about it, but what happens or the truth of what is actually happening does not matter so much as what your reaction to what is happening matters. Confused yet?

The book used the example of a hiker walking down a trail. He *thinks* he sees a bear so his nervous system reacts. His heart starts beating, he starts sweating and becomes afraid. Your body reacts to what it *thinks* is happening whether or not it is actually happening. If the *bear* actually was a dog, his body would have the same reaction.

“You act, feel, not according to what things are really like, but according to the image your mind holds about what they are like” (pg 34).

You can use this tool in order to become happier. If you lose your job, naturally you will become upset about it. But your life and emotions aren’t affected by the fact that you lost your job, they’re affected by how you react to it. If you choose to feel sorry for yourself and wallow in self pity you will be miserable. If you change your reaction (use it as a chance to try something you’ve always wanted to do, or work at your goals harder), you will change how you feel about it.

The same scenario/mindset can be used for virtually any mundane “problem” or thing that stresses us out on a regular basis, and even large stressors like job loss.

2. Imagine yourself successful



You have probably heard that positive thinking will help you achieve goals. This is only partly true, according to Dr. Maltz. It takes more than just positive thinking to achieve your goals. You can’t sit on the couch eating ho-hos and think “I want to be thin” and have it happen.

Dr. Maltz explains that every human has a built in “success mechanism”. Our brains are hard-wired to achieve goals and we just need to steer them in the right direction. If you picture yourself successful, or achieving the goal you want to achieve, and know all the possible steps that need to happen, your brain will automatically adjust and keep you working towards that goal.

The keyword is working. To achieve your goals you must know the actual steps needed to be taken and be actively working towards them every day. Once you are actively working towards your goals consciously, you will ultimately be successful.

3. Don’t compare yourself to others



Many of us don’t take steps to achieve our goals because of fear of failure. Maybe we see a professional blogger and say “I could never be as good as them because of X, Y and Z.”  One thing I’ve learned is to not worry about anyone else when working towards my goals. For instance, I don’t like factors like other blogs or setbacks stop me from achieving my goal of having a bigger blog.

“..because we think, feel and assume we should measure up to some other person’s norm, we feel miserable and second-rate and conclude that there is something wrong with us” (pg. 56).

Fear of not being as good as other people may hold us back from taking steps to achieve our goals. It doesn’t matter what anyone else does because you are you. You are unique, and there’s no reason why you should ever compare yourself to anyone else or try to do things exactly like someone else.

This can also apply to us comparing our food choices with that of other bloggers. You are unique, therefore there is absolutely no reason why you should be comparing what YOU eat to someone else’s plate then feeling guilty/inadequate/not good enough.


My Happy Place


I could go on and on!!! One more quick thing the book talks about is how to use relaxation to lower stress during the day. Maltz recommends picking a “happy place” – maybe a place you’ve been on vacation (I imagine being on my honeymoon), or a special getaway or secluded place that makes you feel happy and comfortable. Maltz recommends trying practice relaxation and meditation for 30 minutes every day (eek, hard to fit in) and then during your day when you’re feeling stressed- simply relax and go to your ‘happy place’. This sounds really corny and stupid but it works!! This is actually proven to work as a natural ‘tranquilizer’ and de-stressor.

What mindset tricks do you use to become a happier/healthier person?

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