Tag Archives: healthy living

Grocery series part II: What to buy organic

20 Jun

In part I of my grocery series I talked about some of the groceries I regularly buy. I’m very conscious if what I put in my body, but I don’t buy everything organic, we’re on a budget! And organic doesn’t necessarily always mean better.

I prioritize when deciding what to buy organic. First are my non-negotiables:


Ever since informing myself about industrial farming, I choose not to support the practice and buy meat from the grocery store. As said before, we buy grass fed meat and chicken from a farm whenever we can. Sometimes I buy the whole circle chicken from Tops when it’s on sale.


We picked up this chicken today..it was KILLED TODAY! How’s that for fresh? Yes, we paid for the freshness too. But I just think about what I’m supporting and it’s alright. I don’t buy it that often. Like I said I settle for the natural raised at Tops a lot.

Organic or grass fed meat is pricey but in my eyes worth it. I’m not going to get into the disgustingness of industrial farming. If you’re interested the book Omnivore’s Dilemma is a good place to start. Besides, I save money other ways (more on that next in the series).

I also don’t really buy dairy for myself. I buy organic whole milk when it’s on sale or I have a coupon for Austin. I rarely get yogurt anymore since I follow a mostly Paleo diet. Everyone loves their Chobes…..but it can add up! Eggs are a must. I know $3.50 seems like a lot but I think about it like this: where else can you get four servings of protein for 3.50?

Next for the always organic is lettuce and greens like kale. They are easily contaminated.

Tier two includes fruits and veggies I may not regularly buy but try to get organic when I can

buy organic most of the time

If I feel like it’s too much and/or they don’t have it available organic,I’ll make a decision. Either get the regular or just find a different recipe.

And that’s pretty much it. Anything else,including anything on the ‘clean 15’ list I get conventional. Unless it’s cheaper/the same amount. Whole 9 has a nice little list I like to follow.

As you can see I don’t buy a whole lot organic. There have been a number of conflicting studies regarding organic and whether or not it’s even better for you, so I don’t sweat it. And no I don’t need to spend 7.00 on organic toilet paper to wipe my behind with or organic shampoo or any of that mess. Priorities!! I know for a FACT though the practices that go on in order to produce industrial meat so I’m willing to prioritize the money. Next post I will talk about saving money on organic/local food.

Why you shouldn’t drink soda

24 May

Excuse me for a minute while I go on a rant.


Every time I go to the grocery store, I tally in my mind the amount of people with carts full of soda. Not one pack. I mean cart overflowing with soda. So much soda that they have to add it on to the edges of their carts. And mostly nothing else in the cart. Maybe some microwave pizzas.  And if you’re that person, I’m judging you.

I’m not a rude person, but this completely baffles me. Are you throwing a party? Why do you need 100 20 oz bottles of mountain dew? It amazes me that people are even still drinking soda. It’s disgusting. It’s sugar and empty calories in a bottle.




Not saying I’ve never had one. But I can honestly say I have not willingly consumed a soft drink in over two years (unless there was alcohol in it). I think I’ve mentioned my view on this. If a beverage has calories and no alcohol in it…..why???

Since the 1950’s the average size coke bottle has gone from 8 oz to now giant 20 oz bottles. Soda is purely 100% high fructose corn syrup from GMO corn in most cases. They are the biggest source of added sugar in the U.S diet. Studies have found that people who drink soda weigh more, and you tend to eat more during the day if you drink soft drinks. Soda can even predispose some people to gaining weight.

(information from the book Omnivore’s Dilemma and http://www.kickthecan.info/soda-facts)

People must be seriously addicted to this crap. When everyone is equally as stumped as to why people in America are so fat, unhealthy, and spending so much on healthcare. Grass fed meat and organic vegetables are TOO EXPENSIVE….but let’s find room in the budget for some diet coke. When this is the food people chose to spend their money on (which I don’t know how anyone can justify), it’s no mystery why there are so many health problems.

Sorry about the rant. I’m really not rude. If you have a soda once in awhile, you’re not a terrible person. But I’ve consistently seen roughly 3-5 people with CARTS FULL OF IT for the past three weeks at the grocery store and it’s infuriating. Had to get that out.

Do you drink soda????? WHY????? STOP IT!

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