Pancake Crazy + Leg Workout

14 Nov

I am obsessed with pancakes. I literally make them almost every Saturday AND Sunday. We had breakfast for dinner tonight!  I love trying different types of recipes for pancakes and have found a recipe base of 4-5 different types that I regularly make. Your traditional flour and egg pancakes aren’t generally that good for you so I try to find protein pancakes or other pancakes that have more staying power and healthy ingredients so I’m not hungry again 5 minutes after eating them. However Austin doesn’t eat the healthy pancakes so I always use a traditional pancake recipe and make him separate pancakes every time (annoying, but I love pancakes so I do it).

Traditional Fluffy Pancake Recipe: Makes 4-6 medium pancakes

1/2 Cup Flour

1/2 Cup Milk

1 tbsp butter/shortening

1 egg

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tbsp sugar

Mix dry, then mix wet. Make pancakes on a 350 degree griddle. Yum!

I also have a couple of ‘healthy’ pancake recipes from different blogs that I’ve found. I rotate the pancake recipes depending on how I feel.

My absolute favorite, via Peanut Butter Fingers: Almond Butter Pancakes

Another close runner up, from Chocolate Covered Katie: Apple Pie Pancakes

These are yummy and really rich: Oatmeal chocolate chip cookie pancakes

Bahhh now I want more pancakes 😦 Is it Saturday yet????
Tomorrow I am going to be pretty sore considering I crushed a pretty serious leg workout. I can already feel them starting to turn to jello. I again modified this workout from one I found online on

Leg Workout

-5 mins sprint on treadmill

-Squats with 2 15lb dumbbells- 2 sets of 12, 1 to failure

-Lunges with 2 15lb dumbbells- 2 sets of 10, 1 to failure (each leg)

-Split Squats with 2 15lb dumbbells- 2 sets of 10, 1 to failure (each leg)

-Straight Leg Dead lifts- 60lbs- 2 sets of 12, 1 to failure

-5 min run on treadmill

-Jump Squats- 2 sets of 20, 1 to failure

-Hamstring ball curls-3 sets of 20

-Crunches on exercise ball-3 sets of 20

-Leg lifts- 3 sets of 10 on each leg

Going to be sore tomorrow!

One Response to “Pancake Crazy + Leg Workout”


  1. Coconut Peanut Butter Pancakes « Classroom Confessional - November 19, 2012

    […] morning I got right to work to make a coconut flour pancake recipe…since I’m obsessed with them. I got this recipe from Dashing Dish, one of my favorite recipe blogs, but modified it a […]

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